‘Cornucopia scientifica’ at Ryan Catholic College Science Block


Cornucopia scientifica

Alison McDonald and Geoff Thomson                                                                                                                         Ceramics by RCC students                                                                                                                                                    Ryan Catholic College Science Block                                                                                                                           Recycled copper tube, patina, water, ceramics and landscaping.                                                                                                                               2 x 1.2m                                                                                                                                                                                          2022

Cornucopia scientifica is a combined form representing various sciences; in the shape of a large conical flask and a DNA strand made from recycled copper tubes, with the element of water coming from the mouth. Inside the artwork the art and students have collaborated to create a multitude of spheres from clay representing the earth sciences.

Over time the conical flask will half fill with students spheres and a chemical reaction will occur on the copper from the effects of air and water.

The surrounding native plants represent biology and compliment the artwork whilst creating a contemplative and educational science space within the college.